Monday, June 25, 2012

Picked up my art from Newnan...

I completely forgot that today was the day to pick up my pottery from the Newnan Fine Arts Centre! They had to call me...

I knew something was rattling around in my brain but was focused on completing some work and didn't bother to check the calendar. Usually I take a quick look on Sunday to gauge what my week will look like. But no, not this week... Poor guy had to sit and wait on me!

I was very pleasantly surprised to get the juror's comments on the three pieces I had entered. They scored the art in 8 areas including originality, emotional content, line quality, modeling of form, color clarity, design quality, attention to detail and value range. 5 was "Outstanding", 1 was poor. One piece was rated 5 in all categories with a comments "One of our favorite pieces in show", "Gorgeous piece", and "Nice variety in textures". The other two were mostly 5's with a few 4 1/2's.

Wow. Nice.

It is very nice to have people I don't know rate my work highly. It gives me that glow which translates into motivation to try harder! Now if any of those three pieces had sold while they were at the Centre it would have been even nicer...

I appreciate the exposure, plus the opening reception was exceptionally nice. I think I would suggest that prices be placed on each of the item cards but I understand I'm not the first to suggest that and it hasn't been done so doubt my two-cents will change anything!

Anyway, the three pieces are in their boxes awaiting the next show. Someday the right person will come along with the right spot and color scheme and give them a home.

p.s. I'm working on improving my photos. I picked up a white background this morning and will be redoing a lot of my pictures. 

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Love your comments but I approve them before they post. If you include a link, and I don't know you, chances are I won't post 'cause I'm just the cautious type.